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11/14/2020 @ 3:00 pm 3:30 pm

LNB Grovestand and Edible South Florida bring you this truly unique virtual farm-to-table experience. Tour the LNB Groves second generation family farm with Marc, Adena, and Levi Ellenby as they discuss the variety of tropical fruits and plants they grow, such as sapodilla, mamey sapote, roselle, and starfruit. Watch as turmeric is dug from the ground and jackfruit is sliced open to create LNB Grovestand’s signature products of turmeric tonic and the colorful rainbow smoothie. Edible South Florida’s Gretchen Schmidt and Adena Ellenby discuss the history and culture of the farming community in the Redland and South Florida’s unique subtropical agriculture.

A series of photos showing turmeric plants, turmeric when it's picked, and turmeric in a tonic form in jars


If you’d like to chat with us and ask Adena or Gretchen questions during the program, please join us on Zoom. You can also enjoy the program through Facebook Live.


Click here to join us on Zoom

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Captioning is available for this program. To request materials in accessible format, sign language interpreters, and/or any disability accommodation, please contact Hana Squires, Accessibility Coordinator, at accessibility@historymiami.org or call (305) 375-1621 at least two weeks in advance of the festival. TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service).


A photo of the Ellenby family with Marc, Adena, Kiki, and Levi

Click here to learn more about the Ellenbys!


In partnership with LNB Grovestand and Edible South Florida

  Images provided by LNB Grovestand and Edible South Florida.


3:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Event Category:


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